Cabin Fever

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If you go down to the woods today, you should really expect a remake.

Hollywood clearly has run out of ideas for remaking horror films from the Seventies and Eighties, so now, as a last resort, they lay their hands on Eli Roth’s 2002 debut feature. Five college graduates rent a remote cabin in the woods but soon become infected by a flesh-eating virus which spreads like a house on fire...

Travis Zariwny’s uninspired direction is by-the-numbers and his set pieces are routine to say the least. Furthermore, the young cast fails to make an impression. This redundant remake is a dull copy of the original lacking in both tension and suspense and without any thrills whatever. An utterly pointless exercise. Hire the original instead!


: Samuel Davis, Gage Golightly, Matthew Daddario, Nadine Crocker, Dustin Ingram.

Dir Travis Z, Pro Evan Astrowsky, Christopher Lemole, Eli Roth and Tim Zajaris, Screenplay Randy Pearlstein and Eli Roth, Ph Gavin Kelly, Pro Des Melanie Rein, Ed Kyle Tekiela, Music Kevin Riepl, Costumes Marjorie Raser Sortman.

Armory Films/Contend/Pelican Point Media-Arrow Film Distributors.
98 mins. USA. 2016. Rel: 13 May 2016. Cert. 15.


Bye Bye Morons


Café Society