We Die Alone


The dating scene is given a nuanced and shocking complexion in Marc Cartwright’s accomplished short thriller.

Samantha Boscarino

Dating is hard. With the advent of the Internet and social media, meeting people has become easier, but making a true and genuine connection with another is just as difficult as ever. Perhaps more so. These feelings of anxiety and insecurity are explored through multiple perspectives by Marc Cartwright in his new short We Die Alone.

Much discourse surrounds online dating centres on the disparity between the male and female experience. Men lament the difficulty of getting a date, struggling with insecurities about attractiveness. They can easily become embittered at the perceived unfairness of entering a dating pool where there always seems to be a more physically or socially desired man waiting at the swipe of a finger. At the other end of the spectrum, women bemoan the lack of genuine and compassionate suitors who are seeking not just a physical intimacy, but an emotional one as well. Women also constantly fear for their safety: one can never be sure about the intentions of strangers. Here, Cartwright strikes the balance uncommonly well, and argues on the behalf of each in unique and compelling ways, treating all concerns as respectable, and valid.

We Die Alone is also dipped in a thriller aesthetic, wearing the genre proudly. The cinematography is effectively utilised to create a sense of unease and discomfort. The score is deliciously melancholic, and adds flavour and texture to the experience. These technical achievements blend together to give the story an identity that distinguishes itself from less ambitious contemporaries.

The acting is also well done. The three leads each give their characters realistic human behaviour. The actors match the writing’s nuance and depth to bring the characters to life, ensuring that even as the action becomes heightened and dramatic, there is still a sense of reality, leading to a gruesome and shocking climax.

Marc Cartwright has crafted a twisted tale that effortlessly entertains and also has something to say. His talents are on full display here, ensuring that his future endeavours are not to be missed.


: Baker Chase Powell, Ashley Jones, Samantha Boscarino, Darielle Deigan.

Dir Marc Cartwright, Pro Marc Cartwright and Baker Chase Powell, Screenplay Marc Cartwright and Cassie Keet, Ph Gabriel Gely, Pro Des John Garaguso, Ed Marc Cartwright, Music David Williams, Sound Daniele Carli.

Glass Cabin Films-Amazon Prime.
24 mins. USA. 2020. Rel: 21 August 2020. No Cert.


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